Monthly Meeting Content

Listening Prayer
Wendy Gerdes Wendy Gerdes

Listening Prayer

God waits in quiet anticipation for us to turn our attention towards Him.

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Josiah Gerdes Josiah Gerdes


I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.

Psalm 77:11-12 (ESV)

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Josiah Gerdes Josiah Gerdes


“The litmus test for witness is not simply an ability to explain the good news. It is the way you live the good news.” - Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

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Josiah Gerdes Josiah Gerdes


Lent: A time for reflection and healing

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Contemplative Prayer
Josiah Gerdes Josiah Gerdes

Contemplative Prayer

“…Contemplative prayer is a way we join God in a place of divine rest and love.” - Adele Calhoun

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Wendy Gerdes Wendy Gerdes


Let’s bring our pain and lament to our Gentle Shepherd who is the Shepherd of the Valleys too.

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Wendy Gerdes Wendy Gerdes


By looking back over our year of growth, we can see what God has done and is doing in us.

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Wendy Gerdes Wendy Gerdes


“…We do not know what to do but our eyes are on you.”2Chron 20:12

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Wendy Gerdes Wendy Gerdes


Disciplines are exercises which equip us to life fully and freely in the present reality of God~ and God works with us, giving us grace as we learn and grow.

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Trellis to the Trinity
Wendy Gerdes Wendy Gerdes

Trellis to the Trinity

A ‘rule of life’ is like a trellis for us to build our lives on and gives us the structure we need to be able to cultivate our relationship with God.

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Out of My Hands
Wendy Gerdes Wendy Gerdes

Out of My Hands

Help me open my grasping hands to You, Lord, trustfully receiving all that You have for me.

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Wendy Gerdes Wendy Gerdes


Godly submission is rooted in God’s good and loving intentions for each one of us.

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