
  • Come and Rest

    (Originally posted May 31, 2024 on

    Come apart and rest awhile;
    You’re weary now, beloved child.
    I don’t condemn you for the things you’re saying;
    In self-sufficiency, your strength is swaying.

    Would you rest in My arms, and seek My face?
    Will you let Me fill your heart with grace?
    I have the remedy you need;
    I sow every good and fruitful seed.

    Without Me there’s nothing you can do;
    You’ll come to this breaking point, through and through.
    The enemy wants you to think it’s enough,
    To receive once from Me, and then try to be tough.

    To try to keep pushing through the day’s trials and troubles,
    Without sensing My presence in the midst of your struggles;
    Without asking immediately for the help that you need;
    That upon heaven’s Bread your soul freely may feed.

    You’ve been taught there’s inherent goodness in you—
    That you could speak from yourself, and the words could be true.
    But the father of lies lost the privilege of rest,
    And thus seeks to pry this sweet gift from your chest.

    But hold tight My dear, please don’t let it go.
    You have nothing to prove; no merits to show.
    I am strong in your weakness—it’s My joy to be!
    That at rest in My care you can truly be free.

    I entreat you, My child, to be lowly and meek;
    Only there can you find what you desperately seek.
    Do you remember how often I retired away,
    To a desolate place in the mountains to pray?

    Of Myself I could surely do nothing at all;
    Without My Father’s strength I would certainly fall.
    I was tired, I was weary, as even you are;
    With multitudes coming from near and from far.

    My humanity had nothing to give them, it’s true;
    But filled with grace from My Father, His works I could do.
    I was keenly aware of My need, don’t you see?
    And this is the secret, to truly be free.

    So come apart and rest awhile,
    I miss your laughter and your smile.
    The world can wait—untie the tether;
    Let’s go and be revived together.

    (“Come and Rest”, Original Poem, May 4, 2024)

  • When I Forget by Amanda Cook

  • Rest is a radical thing in our day and age. It reminds us that we are human beings not human doings.

  • -Hebrews 4:9

    -Psalm 121:1-2

    -Psalm 16:6


Just Come

by Wendy Gerdes (originally written on

Burdened and heavy I come; my face downcast, my mind full, my heart a whirl of chaos. Out of breath, my prayers come in halting whispers; questions needing answers, a heart needing healing, a mind bombarded with what I am not and haunted by who I wish I to be. A list of ‘to do’s’ longer than the time I have and a soul wearing thin. Words upon words,  they come and the more I speak the more frantic I become. And then I hear it…


“My child, just come. Sit with Me a while. In My presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). You are fully known and deeply loved. I knitted you together in your mother’s womb - tenderly and beautifully. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. I saw you in the secret space where you were visible to only Me (Ps. 139:13-16) I see the places in you invisible to others, but not one place in You is not understood or seen by Me. Every hair on your head is numbered (Luke 12:7).

Life without you was more unbearable to Me than the suffering of the Cross. YOU are the joy that made the Cross worth it (Ephesians 2:4-8). I choose you because of my mercy and lovingkindness, not because of your perfection (Titus 3:4-7). Not one person’s opinion of you changes Mine for I truly see you (I Samuel 16:7).

Do not be anxious, dear one. For I know exactly what you need and I care deeply for you (Matthew 6:25-29). Not one thing you do or don’t do will ever alter My love for you. My grace is sufficient for you - every part of you (2 Corinthians 12:9). You can confidently come near to Me (Hebrews 4:16). You will never find Me to be less than you hope Me to be - loving, good or kind (Isaiah 49:23).

I am continually working in You - healing you and making you more whole (Ephesians 2:10). You, My child, are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Even though I made the sun, moon and stars and hold the world in My hands, I am mindful of you (Psalm 8:3-5). Even though you may feel forgotten or alone, I have not forgotten you. In fact, I have engraved you on the palm of My hand (Isaiah 49:15-16).

I dance over you with singing and rejoicing and I will quiet you with my love (Zephaniah 3:17) Do not be afraid, I am with you. I will strengthen and help you. I will uphold you with My strong and righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Not one thing can ever separate you from My love. Nothing. (Romans 8:35). I long to be with you and for you to know My deep, deep love for you, but only in the stillness will you notice what has been true all along. I love you and will keep loving you every day as long as you live.

And in this space I rest.


The Examen