What is Selah?

Selah is a contemplative prayer group that provides time set apart for women to experience silence and solitude, focusing on being alone with God and in the community of others.

The 4 Components of Selah

A receptive form of prayer in which we open ourselves to God in stillness and silence. It is being with God and giving the Holy Spirit the freedom to act and lead however the Spirit chooses - an inner solitude and silence - a quiet listening - careful noticing - learning to see God in our lives.


A teaching on a spiritual discipline developed by one of the leaders.

Spiritual Disciplines

Sacred listening to the reading of the Word - formative rather than informative - learning to listen for what God might be wanting to say to us

Lectio Divina

Spiritual Direction: Prayerful Listening

Sharing what those in a small community are hearing as they learn to listen to each other and to God’s Spirit.

Helpful Definitions and Calendar of Events

  • The process by which Christ is formed in us….for the glory of God, for the abundance of our own lives and for the sake of others.

  • Practices that place us in a position for transformation such as: prayer, listening to God and one another, silence, etc.

  • letting go of exterior distractions (releasing thoughts, events, encounters, conversations) moving to a place of being with God, giving attention to His presence in us.

  • a receptive form of prayer in which we open ourselves to God in stillness and silence. It is being with God and giving the Holy Spirit the freedom to act and lead however the Spirit chooses - an inner solitude and silence - quiet listening, careful noticing of God in our lives and enjoying the companionship of being with Him.

  • maintaining a strong connection and receptivity to God (”He refreshes my soul.” Ps. 23:3)

  • trusted friends who journey alongside one another at a deeper spiritual level.

  • sacred listening to the reading of the Word in a formative manner. Learning to listen for what God might be wanting to say to us through His Word.

  • sharing what those in a small community are hearing as they learn to listen to each other and God’s Spirit.